How Clint Fester Made $100k in 1 Trade

Clint Fester first thought that Metatrader 4 was a game. How he moved from not knowing the application to using it and earning a whopping 6-Figure, is not a fairy tale but a true story. I was privileged to interview him…

How Olyasha Novozhylova turned her passion into a fashion and lifestyle blog to inspire young women to create their own extraordinary style

Olaysha Novozhylova is the founder and creator of NotBasicBlonde and also a model, blogger, influencer, and a celebrity podcast host of the NotBasicBlonde Podcast. She often partners with nationwide beauty, jewelry, makeup, skincare and clothing brands such as Cartier, Revolve,…

Mykola Udianskyi creates the first IT-village for programmers

For the first time in Ukraine there will be a village for programmers and developers. In the suburbs of Kharkov, a new ecosystem is being created for comfortable living and work of immigrants from the IT sphere and their families,…

The Journey to Becoming an E-commerce Entrepreneur—the Story of Erick Rodriguez

Born in Long Island, New York, Erick Rodriguez is a Colombian-American raised in Deland, Florida. He was a member of the Boys Scout of America, but he was no ordinary child, Erick was very ambitious. Beginning as an exceptional candy…

Why Ricky Andrade is The Go-To Mentor For Forex Trading

It isn’t hard to see why Ricky Andrade is the go-to mentor for Forex trading. Currently CEO of Market Masters Academy, Ricky Andrade didn’t start out successful. Having grown up in a Los Angeles ghetto neighborhood, Andrade struggled to pay…

High School Dropout Becomes Millionaire Entrepreneur: Learn How Aaron Ware Did It

Like every hopeful, Aaron Ware dreamt of making it big someday. But what he didn’t anticipate were all the roadblocks that he had to overcome to become a millionaire. But through perseverance, he’s achieved his dream today, and he’s how…

The Aurum Media: The Media & Marketing Company To Look Out For In 2020

Are you looking to gather leads, increase, or boost your business awareness and sell products? Or are you looking to develop an active social media presence that can help guide you towards social media success? Aurum media & marketing is your #1solution.…

How Dana Grigg AKA “Cherry Dana” Is Shaking The Online Dating Industry

According to research done by IBISWorld, dating services in the US hit a $3 billion mark a year in revenue. This year, it had been predicted that the revenue would grow by 25%. About 15% of US adults, amounting to…

Maggie Berghoff’s Path To Becoming An Online Health Consultant

Success is not an overnight event and it does not happen because of a magic wand. This has been proven time and again. Maggie Berghoff is one more legendary figure who has become a big success in the health and…

Lexi Vazquez: IT Does Matter

Lexi Vazquez is an experienced account manager in information technology and service solutions. She manages more than 400 accounts all over Florida. In just her second year as an account manager, she already became the number 1 rep. for her…