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We live in an era known as the digital age. All sorts of people are making money online in many different ways. Everyone wants to live the laptop lifestyle. They want the freedom to do whatever they want when they want. A lot of people know how to make money online but it takes a true entrepreneur to be able to make enough steady income in order to quit their day job. Full-time entrepreneur Zach Benson knows all about living the laptop lifestyle and traveling the world.
Benson had a passion for dance and every single day he would practice breakdancing. He got so good at it that he was able to be on the hit TV Show “So You Think You Can Dance”. After all of that, he was able to open up his own studio where he taught others how to dance for $1,000 an hour. One day Benson hurt his back and unfortunately he was never able to dance again let alone teach others how to dance. This is why he had to turn to Instagram for a steady income since he wasn’t making any money after the accident.
Bensons and his brother learned how to grow Instagram accounts and they got good at it that they were able to land many high paying clients. Through a lot of trial and error, they had the perfect formula to grow accounts fast and effectively. He realized he was actually very skilled at Instagram marketing so he started to take it seriously. At around that time he was offered a huge opportunity to invest his last $10,000 into an Instagram account and he did it.
Once he had access to the account he was able to leverage it to grow other accounts even faster and more efficiently. From there he started to grow and scale to new heights and that is when he founded Assistagram. Assistagram is an Instagram growth and marketing agency with a huge network of over 220 million followers. They are able to cut corners while delivering massive results and easily connect influencers and celebrities with their target audience.
Benson and his company have worked with many influencers and celebrities ranging from Ritz Carlton to Russell Brunson. Zach and his many years of experience in the Instagram marketing world has taught him how to get his client’s campaigns seen by millions. Benson is able to travel the world and work with travel boards to get destination influencers to fly over and take incredible photos for content. In doing so, the content will go viral which leads to growth and more customers.
In the past 3 years, Benson has been able to travel and stay at 5-star hotels all for free because of the line of work he is in. Many individuals know what the benefits are to having someone like Benson stay in their hotel. Benson attracts influencers, celebrities, and he is also able to grow the following of that particular airline and hotel with his Instagram marketing skills and content.
All of this started with Instagram. With Instagram, Benson is financially free and travels all over the world for free. He learned a valuable skill that everyone is in need of which is a greater online presence on Instagram and he took it to new heights.